QSLing the Pitcairn Island DXpedition
Our preferred method of QSLing is OQRS, the Online QSL Request System.
Our QSL manager is Craig, K9CT, a DXpedition operator. The address for direct mail QSLing is:
The Pitcairn Island DXpedition
P.O. Box 73
Elmwood, IL 61529
Again, we urge you to use the OQRS system rather than the direct mail method. DO NOT QSL until we have returned home and uploaded the final log to Clublog. We will make that announcement on this page. Donors will get early LOTW upload. LOTW will be done after QSLing is complete. When we return from Pitcairn we will register and active OQRS for this DXpedition. Please wait for that information before sending us a QSL card.
- Does not require you to purchase an envelop or postage.
- Creates a database of QSOs, matches, and QSL information.
- Creates a user friendly iterface to our QSL program.
- Allows us to print QSO information and addresses.
- Eliminates the process of opening and sorting envelopes.
- Eliminates the tedious matching of claimed QSOs.
- Increases the speed and accuracy of getting your QSL to you.
To utilize the OQRS service, click on this link: https://clublog.org/logsearch/VP6R
When the Club Log page appears, type your call in the “Callsign to Check” box, then click “Show Contacts.” A list your QSOs will appear. Click on “Request QSL Card.” Follow instructions to check out.
A very special “Thank you” to Tony, LZ1JZ for producing a quality QSL card for you.
By now many of you have received your VP6R QSL card. I am sure you will agree this is a very well done card. Tony, LZ1JZ, deserves all the credit for the card layout and printing. If you would like to see more of Tony’s great work, or get some of your own cards made by Tony, here is a link to his website. Enjoy!